Kewtech Loopcheck 107 Mains Socket Tester
Loopcheck 107 Mains Socket Tester
The most advanced socket tester available, for front line personnel.
Includes a standard socket test (checks the wiring configuration at the socket), a loop test (the standard socket test checks the presence of the earth connection, this checks the quality), a mains polarity (check on the correct polarity coming into the building) and last but not least a 30mA RCD check.
- A standard socket tester does not check for the quality of the earth connection - the Kewtech 107 does
- A standard socket tester cannot detect a neutral live reverse at the incoming supply - the Kewtech 107 does
- Checks correct socket outlet wiring
- Checks the quality of the earthing that is essential for safe installations
- Checks for the polarity of the mains supply
- Checks RCDs with measured current
- Bright LEDs
- Easy to use - anything other than green needs checking out!